for a Band Member and Graduating Senior of Farragut High School
Farragut, TN

MICHAEL DAVID GREENE entered Farragut High School as a Freshman in August 1992. He played the trumpet in the FHS Marching Band and Concert Band. He was a member of the FHS Junior Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, FHS Math Team and FHS Swim Team where he earned a Varsity letter. He was an avid sports fan who enjoyed watching all sports and who played baseball and basketball and swam on teams in the Farragut community. He was a member of St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church where he served as a crucifer and was a member of the Youth Group.
On May 20, 1993, at age 14, Michael was diagnosed with a glioblastoma multiforme, a malignant tumor which, because of its location in his brainstem, was inoperable. He began a very difficult course of treatment which included intensive chemotherapy and radiation. For the next 16 months, he underwent endless therapies, tests, and transfusions. When one treatment failed, he undertook another. He never complained and he never gave up.
Although cancer kept Michael from attending FHS, his 10th Grade year was spent learning at home with dedicated Knox County homebound teachers. He took a full load of courses including Honors courses in Algebra II and Chemistry and earned a 4.0 GPA.
He began the 11th Grade determined to maintain his excellence in scholarship. He realized the value of education and was preparing for entrance into college.
Michael did his best each day that he lived. His example has taught many that the question each of us faces in life is not, what would you do if you were going to die, but what would you do if you were going to live?
Michael died at age 16 on September 25, 1994, with his family at his side. He will always inspire us by how he lived his life with quiet courage, fierce determination, and great dignity.
Anna Kaufmann and Andrew Duhaime